Saturday, April 22, 2006

Social Justice And System Improvement

So, I've had this thought about the formation of social systems.

It could be argued that my assumption is incorrect, but I believe that we place the sculpting of our social organizations to a few trained people; we elect a representative body, we have an exectutive board, the experienced one creates the program. While this is very efficient, small groups of people are relatively limited. We both see and miss problems based on our personal experience. If we have never been hungry, then our ways of stopping hunger are limited since we have little experience in that area. If we are not a minority, it is hard to imagine or understand the plights of that group of people.

I also believe that we are capable of carrying more burden in large groups than alone. This works in carrying large stones, science, and even structuring political bodies and issues. We have made the process efficient by putting into the hands of specialists, however, this does not make the system effective. It is imperative that there is some form of information feedback for this structure or, chances are, the limited experiences of these specialists will not be able to form lasting structures for large groups of people.

Social justice organizations act as this conduit for information. Groups of people will, of their own free will and momentum, report feedback into policy and social structure so that it is effective in what it sets out to do. Over time, if the system works for more people and still achieves its goals, then there needs to be less revision.

And we all know how resource-consuming revision can be!

Social justice organizations also increase the involvement and ownership in a political/social body. This increases the de facto effectiveness of a program by facilitating the implementation of the change. People tend to participate in things that they feel they helped to create.

Social justice organizations actually save tremedous resources over time by acting as feedback mechanisms in policy-making. I have begun to notice this as time goes by, and I wonder how the ban of civil unions will effect the future of this feedback process. I have a feeling that we're looking at a huge expenditure in the future to fix this slide backwards in state inclusion.


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