Alright, so I know I haven't posted in a while. Given that it's final exams time, most of you won't be checking out this site anytime soon anyway. To the rest of you, heh, I haven't been in any position to think anything through anyway.
However, I'm taking a quick break from studying Advanced Organic Chemistry to write about something that was published in our university newspaper.
Apparently, someone thought that it would be a bright idea to bring biological superiority into the argument against gay-marriage. The article appeared in the Dec. 13th issue of the Daily Cardinal. The title ran something like "Biology, Family Values Mandate Same-Sex Marriage Ban." A title like that reminds me how NOT above writing letters to the editor I can be sometimes.
So I did... write a letter to the editor, that is. A damn good one at that. I made the point of my letter about using charged language in such a destructive way. I don't mind if people don't want gay marriage, but there's no need to resurrect the eugenic movement to justify your fear.
...and of course, I couldn't help throwing in a few thoughts I had about giving rights to committed individuals.... and took a stab at the 'scientific' support in his argument, among other things. Yet, I needn't stop there. There are so many other things wrong with the use of Genetic Philosophy in our society. This quasi-eugenic misused Darwinism is everywhere nowadays, as illustrated by the article. So, yours truly, has dedicated himself to being a socially-conscious scientist. I'm forsaking my neutrality in order to make sure nobody comes to grievous harm because of ignorant uses of Genetic Philosophy.
Might I emphasize that this is not prompted by the civil union amendment currently blazing across Wisconsin. Honestly, I don't think we're going to win this one. The state of Wisconsin will inevitably use it's power to ensure there is no longer a separation between Church and State. Oh well, do your best and regroup for a long war...
But such petty things as civil-union-recognition-debates are no reason to propagate Nazi ideals. Oh, it makes me so frustrated! Did I mention the author of the article is an accounting major? *sigh*
Maybe I should study the use of Genetic Philosophy in society? There's a life calling if I ever heard one.
Ph.D, here I come.
*oh, as a note, the picture comes from the publicly posted Aryan Nations 2004 Congress website... yay*
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