Wow, this is amazing.
FOX news had an interview with Shirley Phelps Roper, the daughter of Fred Phelps. Besides the fact that is woman is completely OFF HER ROCKER, it's almost more amazing that FOX news sided on what is traditionally thought of as 'our side.'
By 'our side,' I mean the gay one. However, maybe it's not so surprising. I mean, in this case, our side is also the SANE side. Fred Phelps has danced on Matthew shepherd's grave every year since he died, to celebrate his 'going to Hell.' In case you didn't know, Shepard was brutally beaten and crucified for being gay years ago. Phelps continues to celebrate his death and preaches that God hates 'gays.' However, Phelps is keeping his stock diverse... and no I don't mean the genetics of his children, I mean his endeavors. Phelps has recently begun to protest the burial of American soldiers because they show the wrath of God for them defending a country that loves us homosexuals.
But, that's not the only wierd sister in the bunch. FOX doesn't have the greatest history of being open-minded, either. FOX seems to court the Republican, and less gay-friendly populace of America, and during many interviews, they take the conservative or even religious side of an argument. So, after watching this interview, I find myself somewhat destabilized by two rather extreme occurrences:
1. Shirley Phelps' insane ramblings

I wonder what HER bedtime prayers are like...
2. ...and the fact that FOX news seems to be almost on our side (for once.)
It's too much to handle at the same time. It almost makes me want to thank God for Shirley Phelps Roper, who does a fantastic job of reminding me why I do activist work. The world simply isn't right until this goes away. I'd love to know how many people just hit rock bottom after watching that video, and turned to 'our side.'
and in case you haven't seen it yet, the video is available online.
Don't eat before you watch it... I warned you.
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