Sunday, November 06, 2005

Speaking of Carmen Sandiego, I had a chance to dress up as my childhood hero for Halloween!

Carmen Sandiego has fled to the city most known for police overreaction during Halloween celebrations.

I was surprised that there wasn't more violence on State Street, as opposed to previous Halloween nights in Madison. Only a few accounts of police violence, as usual, when they gas the peaceful population of celebration-minded citizens and harass the women-folk.

However, the use of riot control was probably necessary to maintain order against the lone assailant who fought back against the police.

Oh, and great job of almost fencing in an area you fear may erupt into riots, Mr./Mrs. Madison Official. My respect for you is, as always, substandard.

My respect began to wane during another Halloween celebration three years ago. I dressed as a swashbuckler, pointy weapon included. When approached by the police, an officer told me I wasn't allowed to have objects like that in the celebration. He asked me if the sword was sharp...

Then gripped the sword and pulled along the potentially razor sharp edge.

Obviously, his fingers remained intact, but it doesn't make someone to appear smart if you ask if an object is dangerous, then proceed to use the object on yourself to find out.

Dearest Madison, I wonder if I'll miss you when I'm gone.


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