I have always been confused as to why some people feel that homosexual relationships are going to bring about the end of civilization. A couple nights ago, I think I found my answer.
Krafft-Ebing began to spread this thing called 'degeneration theory' in his work Psychopathia Sexualis [1886], which was set in the context of other contemporary theories that emphasized the relationship between evolution and civilization. This thought that a society evolves has not always been popular, nor is it completely incorrect in my opinion. However, Krafft-Ebing, as many other citizens of America, tend to see evolution through colored lenses.
Krafft-Ebing establishes that order and sexual morality are the "basis upon which social advancement is developed."
This extrapolates, of course, that sex is free and wild in 'primitive' cultures, while the order that 'civilized' peoples impose creates the opportunity for culture and sociological evolution to occur.
Now, I do agree that sex is related to evolution, but in terms of cultural evolution, things become more complex. DNA has no moral quandary; cultures do.
But all that aside, let's focus on this idea that homosexuals are the end of civilization. Krafft-Ebing's ideas became dominant for a while and began to shape the way that people viewed sexuality and moral-cultural evolution. For further context, T Roosevelt had established a sort of rugged vision for American superiority in 1901. The vision was that our American masculinity was what made our nation culturally superior to the 'over-civilized' weak nations or the 'savage' uncivilized nations. Should we lose this masculinity, our great nation would eventually fall into ruin.
Ok, I've set it up, now. Sexual morality is key for cultural evolution. American masculinity is the key to our superiority. Homosexuals are a threat to the cultural viability in our civilization.
So, I'm not saying that this progression of thought was conscious, but scientific thought is filtered through the biases of society, and society influences the biases of science. Over time, I feel that homosexuals have unjustly been blamed for the degeneration of civilization, but in an unconscious sort of way.
Way to go eugenics... slapped on the wrist for placing us in concentration camps, but still alive and kicking in the cultural fabric of our 'great nation.' Well played indeed.
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