You've Been Approved
Every week, I approach my mailbox in horror. No matter how silently I creep, or how diligently I pray, when I open the box I am attacked by an enthusiastic mound of paper, each of them shouting 'You've Been Approved!"
Now, normally, I don't mind having a credit limit that I shouldn't touch; APR doesn't scare me and my finances tend to keep themselves under control. My real concern is two-fold.
1. I'm afraid of suffocating under a pile of envelopes that have the labels 'or current resident.'
2. I realize that almost all of these comapnies are evil, blood-sucking, right-wing nut-houses.
That's right. A huge portion of the APR you pay goes to putting candidates into office, whether or not you agree with their politics. The same goes for cigarettes, too.

You spend, he spends, WE ALL SPEND! YAY! Go F*%k yourself, Econ 101!
I wonder if the Republican Party realizes that gays, with their faboulous shopping habits and nasty chain-smoking tendencies, keep their political toadies in power. We give them all that support, and we get nothing but contempt and Senator Frists in return. No sense of gratitude, I tell you!
Seriously, MBNA Bank is one of the largest supporters of the Republican Party in the nation with their donations reaching above 5 MILLION in the last five years. If that isn't scary enough, your credit card is probably backed by that, or a similar, powerhouse, one way or another. You might as well write a check to some random, conservative candidate. Throw a dart, flip a coin, it really doesn't matter... especially when it comes to your political opinions. Everybody deserves to know who their supporting. Your money should go to people who represent you in your government.
If you're already conservative, good for you. Keep paying outrageous APR. I'm sure that money will trickle back down some day. If you're not, then do some research on your card. Make an informed decision. If you're really Left-wing, maybe you can stomach the buyblue website. At least it shows another side of the argument, even if it has article titles like "Vegetables of Mass Destruction: too many bushes, not enough weed." *gag*
All that, but there are still a few issues to solve:
What to do about those envelopes...
Well, if they want me to send them back so much (enough to pay for my postage,) then I'll send them back.
See how they like getting their own junkmail.
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