Tuesday, August 16, 2005

I don't have internet right now. Currently, I'm going through internet withdrawls.

When someone asks you if you have a computer, they don't mean do you have a monitor, CPU, and keyboard. They mean internet access.

I am totally addicted to information access.

Besides that, things have been relatively constant in their flux. My boyfriend has moved out of Madison in preparation to move across the nation, so I find myself suddenly single and without anybody worthy of cuddling with. Add to this my final move from my old apartment and my roommate going back to Europe... permanently. Things are under constant construction downtown just in time for all twentysomethings in Madison to move on the same day.

Yet, moving day has passed and I am left typing in a public library.

Hurray for me. I think I'll count the minutes until I get my cable net installed.


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