Wednesday, August 24, 2005

At last, the terrible days of moving and readjusting are over. Now I get to start my University Routine so I can subsequently break it with too much partying and slacking off. So with university and moving day in mind, I'm reminded of a yearly ritual.

Every summer I swear two things:

1. I'll never move again. It's way too much hassle and this apartment is so cool! I should just stay here until I finish (insert endeavor I am in the city for).

2. I'm actually going to study this year. My education is so important and I'm doing myself a disservice by not doing homework and constantly skipping class. I'm turning over a new leaf! Scholarly lifestyle, here I come!

Well... here I go again, making those pledges.

I won't mention that this year will be my hardest so far. Good thing I forgot that dropping all my hard courses and saving them for later would eventually come to bite me in the end. Ug.

And moving! I love actually being in a new place, but the process itself is pretty sucktastic. The worst aspect of any transition is my least favorite of all the materials, glass. Yes, Glass. It not only has the audacity to 'shatter,' exploding into a million pieces, but it taunts you with injury and danger. I'm under a distinct impression that glass is rather malicious and vain.

Well, for one, I'm not putting up with it anymore. No more wrapping everything transparent in my life up in newspaper every time I want to be free to roam around and live where I like.

So, I'm off to replace everything with good old fashioned plastic. Hurray for yuppie society.


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